Saturday, March 12, 2011

March Already?

Where has the time gone?  Today is my second daughter's birthday.  I can't believe she is already 8 years old.  It's not as bad as last month, when our oldest turned 10 (double digits!) but it's still hard.  They grow up so fast.

School is going well.  I mean, as well as school can go.  I'm going through my pediatric clinicals right now, and I'm having a great time.  I do love working with children.  I'm working in the same pediatric office that my children go to, which is nice.

On the homeschool front, we are still struggling with child #2's reading.  Even though she is 8 today, she reads at a 6 year old level.  It's a challenge, but we have started using Explode the Code series for her, and it seems to be working.  So far.

I'm really not enjoying work right now.  I have a 12 hours shift coming up tomorrow.  Yuck.  To make matters worse, tonight is day light savings.  Talk about screwing with your internal clock!  The thought of getting one less hour of sleep tonight makes me want to cry!

Thankfully, I have Zoloft for that!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The beginning....

It has finally happened.

I've entered the world of blogging.

My life has gotten very complicated lately.  I'm a mom to five children under the age of ten.  I'm a full time graduate student in a difficult nurse practitioner program - this is complete with classes, homework, and clinical hours.  I work three jobs outside the home.  I homeschool my children (well, at least the three school-aged children!). 

And through it all I (try to) manage the house: cooking, cleaning, laundry, bill paying, etc.

Oh, did I mention that my youngest is only a month old and not sleeping through the night??  Or that I'm suffering (for the first time ever, believe it or not) from postpartum depression? That's right....I'm just a joy to be around right husband can't wait to get home at night to see my smiling face! 

So I'm using this blog to vent my troubles.  To talk about the trials of raising a large family, the confusing desire to have more children even as we struggle to support the five we have.  To talk about being a graduate student while being a parent.  To talk about homeschooling.  To address how working outside the home is so very difficult when your heart wants you to be home all the time.  And to talk about how being a wife and mother is probably one of the most difficult jobs anyone can do!

And this should be easy since I have so much free time on my hands, right??